Online Reservations Made Simple!
Input the Number of Players - Don’t worry if you're not sure – do a best guess
Different packages may be displayed based on the number of guests you input Example: Private Groups are available for 10 or more, but you won’t see that option if booking in for 6.
Decide which package you want, and click on any green day on the calendar
Click on any available time. If it shows – it’s available! Our booking software shows real time availability.
Fill out the form in full
Agree to the terms and conditions by clicking the Agree Box
Choose a Payment Method – Credit Card or PayPal
Important: If a reservation is not paid for, it will not hold the time. You must make payment within 10 minutes of checking out to assure you get the time you are requesting. If you don’t finish the payment, and go back in later to finish the payment, the reservation software will check to see if that time is still available for you. If not, it will give you the options of other times. We do fill up most weekends, so make sure you make your paid reservation early enough to secure the time and date you want.
You will Receive a Confirmation from us and the Credit Card Processor
Get Waivers completed before your event to speed the entry process.
Have a Ton of Fun!